Flower Care Tips
Here are some tips for caring for your cut flowers -
1. Avoid setting your flowers besides ripening fruit or veggies, especially bananas and apples. (because of the ethylene gas they emit)
2. Always make sure the vase you use has been cleaned in hot, soapy water. (make sure any soap residue is washed away)
3. Use "flower food" for most flowers. There are a few flowers that actually do NOT like flower food in the vase. Some of these are zinnias, sunflowers and glads. We have added flower food to our vases you buy if neccessary.
4. Replenish the water frequently. Change the water entirely every 2-3 days.
5. Keep your flowers away from heat and bright light. Cut flowers are actually the opposite of potted plants.
6. Trim at least a half-inch of stem off your flowers before you put them in a vase and each time you change the water.